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Only a few books have significant histories of crochet. THose with the most information are listed here, followed by many books with shortgeneral histories or short histories on specific genres of crochet.
D’Arcy, Eithne. Irish Crochet Lace (1984,85) The Dolmen Press, Mountrath, Ireland; Dryad Press Ltd., London, includes small section on history & many pictures of antique crocheted pieces, primarily a how-to book.
Johnson, Frances. Collecting Antique Linens, Lace & Needlework (1991) Wallace-Homestead Book Co., Radnor, PA, includes chapter: The Art & History of Crochet.
Paludan, Lis. Crochet, History & Techniques (1995) Interweave Press, Loveland, Co.
Potter, Annie Louise. A Living Mystery: The International Art & History of Crochet (1990) A.J. Publishing International, Dallas, TX.
Scalessa, Nicole H. Historic Reflections in Crochet (2001) The Library Co. of Philadelphia, PA.
Scalessa, Nicole H. The Hook & the Book: The Emergence of Crochet & Knitting in American Culture 1840-1976 (2001) The Library Co. of Philadelphia, PA.
Stephens, Ann S. Ladies Complete Guide to Crochet, Fancy Knitting & Needlework (1854) Garrett, Dick & Fitzgerald, NY.
Turner, Pauline. Crochet   A History of the Craft since 1850 Shire #126 (1984) Shire Pubs., Ltd., Bucks, UK.
Warren, Geoffrey. A Stitch in Time   Victorian & Edwardian Needlecraft (1976) Taplinger Publishing Co., NY.
Bowles, Ella Shannon. Homespun Handicrafts (1931) J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia & London small section on history of crochet, mostly quoted from Lambert & Pullan.
Feldman, Del Pitt. Crochet   Discovery & Design (1972) Doubleday & Co., Inc., Garden City, NY, short history of crochet.
Goldenberg, Samual L. Lace   It’s Origin & History (1904) Brentano’s, NY, very briefly mentions crochet.
Head, Mrs. The Lace & Embroidery Collector (1922) Herbert Jenknins Ltd., London, 1 page mentions Irish crochet has been the staple industry in the districts where Youghal lace was produced.
Jefferis, Barbara. Three of a Kind (1982) Sister Publishing Ltd., Carlton, South Victoria, Australia; the last third of the book is about the great crochet designer, Mary Card. Most of the book is about her Grandmother & her mother.
Lefebure, Ernest (translated & annotated by Alan S. Cole). Embroidery & Lace   Their Manufacture & History (1889) H. Grevel & Co., London, J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, barely mentions crochet in association with the 1846 Irish Potato Famine.
Lowes, Mrs. Chats on Old Lace & Needlework (1908) T. Fisher, Unwin, London, very briefly mentions Irish crotchet [sic].
MacKenzie, Clinton D. New Design in Crochet (1972) Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY, short history of crochet.
Moore, N. Hudson. The Lace Book (1937)Tudor Publishing Co., NY, very briefly mentions crochet as an imitation of old Venetian point lace amazingly reproduced in the Carmelite Convent.
Sommer, Elyse & Mike. A New Look at Crochet   Using Basic Stitches to Create Modern Designs (1975) Crown Publisher, Inc., NY, includes chapter: Crochet Then and Now.
Stearns, Ann. The Batsford Book of Crochet (1981) B.T. Batsford Ltd., London, includes small sections on history or Irish & Turkish (including oya) crochet.
Vincent, Margaret. The Ladies’ Work Table, Domestic Needlework in Nineteenth-Century America (1988) Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, Pa, a few pages on crochet history attributed to Lambert and Caulfield & Saward.