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---. Advertising & Figural Tape Measures (1995) L-W Book Sales, Gas City, IN; mostly advetising tape measures.
---. Bonhams The Sewing Sale catalog (Dec 2001) Bonhams, London, UK; many exquisite needlework tools.
---. Christie's Thimbles & Sewing Accessories catalog (Jun 2000) Christie's, London, UK; no pictures except on covers, only descriptions of seemingly exquisite needlework tools.
---. Phillips Textiles catalog (Sep 1999) Phillips, London, UK; textiles/laces, needlework tools, & clothing/accessories.
---. Weldon's Practical Pincushions (~1894) Weldons Pub Co, London, (2009) Iva Rose Vintage Reproductions, New Bedford, MA; Instructions for making many late 19th century pincushions.
Andere, Mary. Old Needlework Boxes & Tools   Their Story and How to Collect Them (1971) Drake Publishers Ltd., NY.
Arbittier, Elizabeth & Douglas; & Morphy, Janet & John. Collecting Figural Tape Measures Schiffer Pub Ltd., Atglen, PA.
Baker, John. Mauchline Ware (1985,1991, 1998)Shire Pubs Ltd., Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, UK; numerous needlework tools.
Barker, Harold (compiler). A Pictorial Survey of Mostly American Sewing Tools & Supplies (1835-1950) Volume I (1835-1908) (1998) Harold Barker, Ada, OH.
Bowles, Ella Shannon. Homespun Handicrafts (1931) J.B.Lippincott Co.,Philadelphia & London; with chapters on spinning, weaving, knitting, embroidery, quilts, rug-making Netting, & lace, includes tools.
Burgess, Fred. W. Chats on Household Curios (c1914) pp 223-250 chapter: "The Old Workbox" includes spinning wheels and numerous "Little Accessories" for lace-making, cutting, knitting, pins, & pincushions.
Burn, Diane Pelham. Identifying Steel-Cored Thimbles (1993) The Dorset Thimble Society, UK.
Burn, Diane Pelham. Sew Precious   Children's Needlework Tools & Dolls' Sewing Tools (2010) Diane Pelham Burn, UK; Children's & dolls' needlework tools of all sorts.
Burn, Diane Pelham. Sew Small   Children's Needlework Tools (1995-Thimble Collectors Intn'l, 2010) Mintsalad Design, UK; Children's needlework tools of all sorts.
Burn, Diane Pelham. Thread Winders  A Collector's Guide (n.d. c2010) Diane Pelham Burn? UK?.
Clement, Joyce. Official Price Guide to Sewing Collectibles (1987) House of Collectables, NY; all types of needlework tools, including small chapters on crochet tools, threads, & thread holders.
Clifford, Anne. Cut-Steel & Berlin Iron Jewellery (1971) A.S.Barnes & Co., South Brunswick & NY; includes chatelaines, buttons, & buckles.
Colby, Averil. Pincushions (1975) B.T.Batsford Ltd., London & Sydney.
Collett, Sylvie. Palais Royal Needlework Tools (2009) The Minster Press, Wimborne, Dorset, UK.
Franklin, Linda Campbell. 300 Years of Housekeeping Collectibles (1992) Books Americana, Florence, AL; includes sewing/mending tools, auto knitter, & laundering tools.
Gaussen, Elaine. Miller’s Sewing Accessories   A Collector’s Guide (2001) Octopus Pub. Group, Ltd., London; sewing accessories of all types, including a small number of crochet hooks & spool knaves.
Gengelbach, Darlene J. Encyclopedia of Children's Sewing Collectibles (2007) Collector Books, Paducah, KY; mostly sewing, but also knitting, crochet, weaving, books & patterns.
Gill, Margaret A.V. Tunbridge Ware > Shire 130 (1985) Shire Pubs Ltd., Alesbury, Bucks, UK, includes numerous needlework tools.
Gower, Jolynn (Acquisitions Editor). Notions   Over 50 Great Gadgets You Can't Live Without (2000) Taunton Press, Inc, Newtown, CT.
Groves, Sylvia. The History of Needlework Tools & Accessories 2nd impr. (1968) Country Life Books, Feltham, Middlesex, UK; all types of needlework including tambour, crochet & knitting tools.
Gullers, Barbara D. Antique Sewing Tools & Tales (1992) Gullers Pictorial Partnership, Phoenix, AZ; beautiful photos of exquisite needlework tools including a small selection of crochet & tambour hooks and yarn & thread holders.
Heath, Rita. Cotton Reel Stands (1999) The Dorset Thimble Society, UK.
Horowitz & Ruth Mann Victorian Brass Needlecases (1990) Needlework Treasures, Long Beach CA & Thimble Collecting, Beverly, MA.
Houart, Victor. Sewing Accessories   An Illustrated History Miscellaneous tools, however not crochet, knitting, or netting tools.
Jeffords, Mignon S. Sharing Sewing Sets (1984) B.F.Long Printing Co., Spartanburg, SC, etuis, necessaires, chatelaines, etc.
Johnson, Eleanor. Needlework & Embroidery Tools (1999) Shire Pubs Ltd., Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, UK.
Johnson, Eleanor. Needlework Tools Shire 38 (1978-83) Shire Pubs., Ltd., Aylesbury, Bucks, UK, includes numerous needlework tools: one crochet hook set & one tambour hook.
Johnson, Eleanor. Thimbles Shire 96 (1982-1987) Shire Pubs Ltd., Aylesbury, Bucks, UK.
Longman, E.D. & Loch, S. Pins & Pincushions (1911) Longmans. Green & Co., London, NY, Bombay & Calcutta; about pins of all types including hairpins, pincushions, & related superstitions/customs/charms.
Lundquist, Myrtle. The Book of a Thousand Thimbles (1970) Wallace-Homestead, Des Moines, IA.
Lundquist, Myrtle. Thimble Americana   & Contemporary Collectibles (1981) Wallace-Homestead, Des Moines, IA.
Lundquist, Myrtle. Thimble Treasury (1975) Wallace-Homestead, Des Moines, IA.
Marion, Frieda. China Half-Figures called Pincushion Dolls (1974) Collector Books, Paducah, KY.
Mathis, Averil. Antique & Collectible Thimbles & Accessories (1986, values updated in 1991) Collector Books, Paducah, KY.
McConnel, Bridget. The Story of Antique Needlework Tools (1999) Shiffer Pub. Co., PA; all types of needlework tools including a small number of crochet/tambour hooks & thread holders.
McConnel, Bridget. A Collector's Guide to Thimbles (1990) Wellfleet Books, Secaucus, NJ.
McManus, Michael. A Treasury of American Scrishaw   A Collection of the useful & Decorative (1997) Penguin Studio, NYC; sewing, weaving, knitting, crochet, tatting & netting tools.
Moore, Frank (editor). The Rebellion Record / A Diary of American Events (1862) G.P. Putnam, NY; workbox presented to Mrs. Jefferson Davis & Elias Howe provided troops with stallions.
Powell, J. W. Eighteenth Annual Report ... Smithsonian Institution (1899) Smithsonian, Washington DC: includes "Eskimo" needlecases, housewives, needles & bodkins, thimbles, & thimble holders.
Proctor, Molly. Needlework Tools & Accessories   A Collector’s Guide (1990) B.T. Batsford, London; all needlework tools including a small chapter on tambour work & crochet.
Proctor, Molly G. Victorian Canvas Work   Berlin Wool Work (1972) B.T.Batford, ltd, London & Drake Pubs, Inc., NYC, includes numerous Berlin-work patterns
Rath, Jo Anne. Antique & Unusual Thimbles (1979) A.S.Barnes & Co., Inc., Cranbury, NJ.
Rogers, Gay Ann. An Illustrated History of Needlework Tools (1983, 4th ptg 1991) John Murray, London; includes sewing & threadwork tools.
Rogers, Gay Ann. Price Guide to An Illustrated History of Needlework Tools (1989) Needlework Unlimited, Claremont, CA.
Rollins, John G. Needlemaking Shire 71 (1981) Shire Pubs Ltd., Aylesbury, Bucks, UK.
Serena, Raffaella. Embroideries & Patterns   From 19th Century Vienna (1998) Antique Collectors' Club, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.
Sommer, Elyse. Textile Collector’s Guide   Valuables… Usables… Reusables (1978) Monarch, NY; includes a small section on textile tools of all sorts & publications some crochet & textile care.
Souder, Mattie. Notions (1922) The Ronald Press Co., NY; includes sewing tools & notions.
Spicer, Norma. Henry Griffith & Sons of Birmingham & Leamington Spa (1999) Norma Spicer?, UK; Thimble makers.
Swain, Margaret. Ayrshire & Other Whitework (1982-1990) Shire Pubs Ltd., Princes Risborough, Aylesbury, Bucks, UK; Mostly embroidery, but has a photo of embroidery stamps and another of a painting of ladies doing tambour-work.
Taunton, Nerylla. Antique Needlework Tools & Embroideries (1997) Antiques Collectors’ Club Ltd., Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK; all needlework tools, including some crochet/tambour hooks & thread holders.
Thompson, Helen Lester. Sewing Tools & Trinkets Vol. 1 (1997) Vol. 2 (2002) Collector Books, Paducah, KY; numerous needlework tools, including a small number of crochet hooks & other implements related to crochet.
Towne, Morgan. Treasures in Truck & Trash (1949-Doubleday, 1969) Kennikat Press, Port Washington, NY; general text about collecting all kinds of antiques, only a little about textiles & textile tools/publications.CHECK THIS???
von Hoelle, John J. Thimble Collector's Encyclopedia(1983) Dine-American Advertising, Wilmington, DE.
Whiting, Gertrude. Tools & Toys of Stitchery (1928) Columbia University Press, NY; later reprinted as: Old-Time Tools & Toys of Needlework (1971) Dover Pubs., Inc., NY; orignial has wonderful spiderweb design on cover, book contains information & photos of many types of needlework implements including a small chapter on knitting-needles & crochet-hooks, also some thread holders.
Zalkin, Estelle. Thimbles & Sewing Implements (1988) Wallace-Homestead, Radnor, PA; needlework tools of all types, including crochet hooks.